Wool rug, created by Dilana Ltd from my original design. 2016
Time is out of joint Wool rug, created by Dilana Ltd from my original design. 2016
All wound up Relief and monoprint on various papers using oil- and water-based inks, wound into a ball, 18 cm. diam. 2017 Exhibited Pātaka Art + Museum, Porirua, NZ, as part of "Boundless" exhibition, 2017
Scattered to the four winds
Collage on paper Exhibited Milan, 2017
Mapping the known world
Hand-stitched silk and cotton on canvas Exhibited Berlin, 2018
Collage on old book covers, 2018
High seas
Due south
Trade winds
The voyages of Abel Tasman Relief print and collage, 2019 Exhibited Netherlands 2019 and New Zealand, 2020-21 as part of joint Netherlands-NZ "Distant Kinship" exhibition
Thin ice
Old and new fabrics, beads and pins, hand- and machine-stitched Exhibited Festival of Quilts, Birmingham, UK, 2019 1400 x 620 mm
Sea change
Relief/monoprint on paper, 2020 Exhibited Waikato Art Awards, Hamilton, NZ, 2020